Saturday 2 January 2010

4) Happy New Year

In every begining of year, I scan entire last year on my mind.. I try to find what the year taught me. In this year's eve, I saw that 2009 was really efficient year.. maybe we lost a lot of valuable things in 2009 as in every last years we passed, but 2009 taught me that the loosing sometimes becomes the winnig.. if we can learn something from our faults and losses, we can transform them to experiences and use them as our benefits.
this was classically well known quotation but i can understand that more clearly now.. and thanks to my faults in 2009, 2010 will be better year than all of last years..

I hope that every people who complain from 2009 what an ugly year, realize the truth and apply them to their life like me..

Happy New Year Friends :)